Regional International Engagement Model
AsiaAustralis has a specialised model for undertaking high-level analysis of international markets for economic regions and products/services that firms within a specific region are seeking to export. This analysis provides government policy makers an objective tool from which to identify prioritisation of international markets for economic development purposes, industry development alignment, export development, sister-city relationships, and targeted investment attraction.
The AsiaAustralis Regional International Engagement Model has been applied in a range of industry and economic development projects across Australia, and it has relevance and application for government, industry and private companies in developing prioritisation of scare financial resources.
AsiaAustralis has applied the Regional International Engagement Model for a range of clients including:
National Government (Department of Agriculture)
State Governments (SA, Victoria, Tasmania, Northern Territory)
Local Governments (e.g. Adelaide City Council, City of Charles Sturt, Meander Valley Council)
Regional Development Authorities (e.g. RDAHC, Northern Tasmania Development)
Industry Associations (FoodSA, Defence Teaming Centre)
Supported Cluster Groups (Special Vehicles Alliance, Australian Aerospace Alliances, FoodSA)
Individual Companies (e.g. Korvest, Thompson Wines, ARO Education Services)
The level of detail varies depending on client requirements and can range from:
Prioritising international markets in a defined region (e.g. SE Asia) for a specific economic region (e.g. Northern Tasmania)
Prioritising international markets in a defined region (e.g. NE Asia) for specific product/service categories in a specific economic region.
Prioritising international markets globally for a specific economic region (e.g. Salisbury)
Prioritising sub-regions (provinces/cities) within international markets globally for a specific economic region (e.g. Adelaide City)
Prioritising international markets globally for specific product/service categories in a specific economic region (e.g. Defence materials)
Prioritising targeted international markets for Investment Attraction Activities for a specific economic region (e.g. Adelaide Hills, Fleurieu and Kangaroo Island)
Regardless of the scope, the AsiaAustralis methodology for addressing client requirements is constant and is based on assessing and ranking:
The economic region’s Relative Competitive Position in the targeted markets.
The Market Attractiveness of the targeted markets for the economic region’s exportable products and services.
Relative Competitive Position (RCP) and Market Attractiveness (MA) are assessed and ranked against a range of market specific criteria agreed with the client, which results in a priority matrix that facilitates the ranking of markets, product/service by market, etc.
The following diagram is an example of how markets might be ranked for a specific region: